ALIASES: Eternal Warrior.
ABILITIES: Skilled warrior, he draws from memory to use techniques from long ago.
KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS: Geomancers (in present day, Kay McHenry and Tama); Ivar Anni-Padda; Armstrong; War-Monger; G.A.T.E.
Gilad (Gilly for his siblings) was born in the ancient city-state of Ur, the third child of the Anni-Padda clan. Ivar was the first, then Aram, then Gilad, and the youngest was their sister, Vexana. Anni, first Geomancer, Speaker of the Earth, gave them life, and Padda was a warrior originally from the Nergal tribe of death-worshipers.
Young Gilad was as skilled a warrior as Aram, but Anni noticed he had a stronger violent disposition, motivated by rage.
When Padda returned to destroy Anni's clan and succeeded in mortally wounding her, the Geomancer appointed Gilad as the protector of her successors, a promise he will keep eternally.
Revered as warriors, protectors of their clan, the brothers decided to venture into a mystical realm known as the Faraway in search of the Boon, a magical device that could provide for their city forever. The local Geomancer reluctantly let the Boon go, but when the locals gave chase, Gilad insisted on using any method available to dissuade their persecutors. While he intercepted them, Ivar used a modified arrow to bring down a wood of crystal stalactites. It worked, but Gilad died too.
Unaware that the Geomancer's will dictates Gilad's life and death, Ivar tried to harness the power of the Boon to bring Gilad back. As a result, the entire city died because the Boon syphoned the life-force of everyone but the Anni-Padda siblings.
Gilad hasn't always been able to protect the Geomancers. Most recently, he grieved the loss of Kay McHenry. Shortly after her death, he found a Geomancer apparently sent back from the future, a young girl called Tama.
He has a cordial relationship with Ninjak and X-O Manowar — he knew Aric in the 5th Century, and they used to train together.
Gilad and his brothers get along; but he has gone face-to-face with the War-Monger many times through the ages, not realizing she's his little sister Vexana. Some of these encounters where during a meeting of the then-iteration of Unity with Queen Khutulun, descendant of Genghis Khan; then when he tried to stop Vlad Tepes' bloodthirst, and at the time of the Black Death in the 1300s.

OTHER DETAILS: He has three scars on his face from encounters with the Immortal Enemy.

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