a black and white photo of a wall


ALIAS: Ninjak, Ninja-K.

ABILITIES: Trained in all manners of martial arts; through deep meditation, he can enhance his senses and even travel the void of the mind.

KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS: MI6 (formerly); G.A.T.E.;  Daybreak; Angelina Alcott; Roku; Livewire (former lover); Eternal Warrior (friends); Aric of Dacia (friends); Shadowman; Punk Mambo.

  • Colin King, son of Jonathan and Margaret King, also MI6's secret agents. His mother got pregnant with Colin after a job in Russia. His biological father was a man called Alain, former KGB agent, that followed his mother back to the UK, to be present in his son's life. Alain posed as the family butler while they lived in King Castle.

  • Colin escaped from his home several times as a child, preferring the wild of the woods, an eventually left for good when he was a teenager. He followed his parents' footsteps and joined MI6.

  • A year into his first mission, he got involved with his handler, agent Angelina Alcott. The affair was short, Alcott was seemingly killed by an assassin named Xaman. With his new handler, Neville Alcott, Colin tracked down the assassin, who turned out to be an acolyte of the Undead Monk, who operated out of a hidden and remote monastery in the Himalayas. Colin joined the brutal training of the silent monk, and managed to kill Xaman. But was banished from the monastery before he coul eliminate the rest of the elite group known as the Shadow Seven.

  • Colin became the lead agent in MI6's Ninja Programme, adopting the designation Ninja-K. Being a wealthy son of privilege, Ninja-K works for the highest bidder, so he accepted a contract to kill X-O Manowar upon his return to Earth. When Alexander Dorian, a turned Vine planting, explained to them the plans of the Vine Council, Colin and Aric joined forces to eliminate the infiltrators. Both later joined the superhero team Unity.

  • Ninjak faced the Shadow Seven again when he infiltrated the underworld weapons manufacturer called Weaponeer.

  • The Ninja Programme started around WWI, after the original Ninja agent, a man brought from Japan, started training his sucessor. They both died in 1945, fighting while the bomb fell in Hiroshima. Ninja B was the first British member of the Programme, he trained sucessor as well. Ninja-D was the first to be trained by the Jonin, a ninja master of unknown origin (presumed Japanese, but he had no loyalty for Japan) hired by MI6 to train all special ninja agents from the early 1950s through the 1990s.

  • Ninja-C would reappear in Colin's time seeking revenge on the Acclimation Bureau—an agency dedicated to eliminating any influence in the agents's lives that may distract them from the mission. When Ninjak learned of the brutal extent of the Bureau, his relationship with MI6 became strained, building up to a complete break and disavowal when Colin refused to apprehend the fugitive psiot, and Colin's former teammate and lover, Livewire.

  • He had a brief affair with songbird agent Myna during a mission. Having Punk Mambo alter his mind to fight a powerful mindreader, Colin has no memories of their time together. After the mission, Neville Alcott left MI6, took the assests of the organization they brought down and reestructered it as rogue agency Daybreak.

OTHER DETAILS: Ninja-K's equipment includes the Ninjet—a hypersonic stealth plane of Ninjak's own design—, jetpack, expansion armor—retractable but restrictive heavy armor—, mini-drones, shuriken—variations include flashbang, tranquilizer, explosive, and more—, battle mask with telepathic inhibitor.

The surviving agents of the Ninja Programme formed the ninja killers group called KI-6 under the Jonin. These are: Ninja-E (aka "Sights", mute telepath with perfect marksmanship); Ninja-F (aka "Undisciple", rambling empath), Ninja-G (aka "Blindside", imperceptible killer; first female member of the Ninja Programme, faked her death to be with her lover); Ninja-I (aka "Snapdragon", astral projectionist; lead a criminal empire in Indonesia of a while); Ninja-J (aka "Carapace"; bulletrpoof assassin). They're joined by the Jonin's daughter, Shuriken.